Thursday, October 1, 2009

post #3- What is the Most Effective way to Maintain order as a ruler.

A ruler has many ways to lead effectively, one has the option to be good or bad, strong or weak. there are defiantly that are effective, to be tyrannical or just. A ruler can lead if a strong dictatorship, with a bulked up army and have his citizens be constantly in fear. on the other hand one can lead with kindness and compation and win the hearts of his people. another concern of the ruler is to stay in power the mean dictator will stay in power using the single party system and not let anyone come up to threaten him. there were many in history that used this, some dies in sleep and some were stabbed in bed by a close adviser or someone like that. the kind ruler, more often then not will not be murdured. so in conclusion a ruler has options, what part of the country to beef up, to go the tyrant rought or the peoples leader.

1 comment:

  1. - good topic sentence
    - a lil more info
    - more specific
    - overall it was good

    Gabe Zurita-Haber
