Sunday, November 22, 2009

Blog 6: How would an Athenian of the 5th Century BCE criticize our present-day representative democracy? (or.... how would they approve of it?)

An Athenian from the classical Greek era would see many faults within our Representative democracy, however he would see advantages as well. he would not tat not every one's opinion is expressed by the Representative, if there was a 51-49 majority the all but half would be thrown out the window and their opinions would not count. In the Athenian Democracy everyone that cared, and was eligible could go and have their opinion expressed by a colored pebblle. Still the Representative method has the advantage of allowing a much more vast opinion to be heard, through one or two people that each count as all the people they rep. The Representatives are a variable that can be good or bad, they can fair and just, and represent the full 100% of their people, instead of just the majority's at their best face, and their worst is where they dis-regard the people and go after a more personal agenda, and still only their voice will be heard. the Athenian democracy is a much more direct method, useful with a small group of people. the modern democracy, in theory, should be better no matter what since we see theirs and yet we prefer our method of representation. both methods work, each better in their respective playing Field.

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